Chores sure but some fun as well

Some things are constant. Birds migrating, weather cooling, days getting shorter, certain chores need doing like putting in the winter firewood. All of those are happening or have happened here but added to the list is an annual trip to the North Maine Wood for Argy and I. She enjoys a few days off of the grid while the dogs and I walk through the nearby woods looking for grouse and woodcock. I enjoy being a retired upland bird hunting guide with no pressure if things are slow and the opportunity for an afternoon nap if I want one. As you might imagine, the dogs have a different perspective they think it is silly that we do not spend every minute of every fall day wandering the woods.

One highlight; as wandering I thought boy there is not much moose sign in the woods here only to see a cow moose about 15 minutes later and this nice bull a few minutes after that. Folks always ask if I could show them a moose but even in the part of our state where there are quite a few there is never a guarantee. On the other side it is entirely possible to see one standing on the saltwater shore as a surprise. One just never knows.

We are back home, and the dogs are in their kennel watching me through the window; asking for more time in the woods. But there are chores to do and fishing clients to take well into November so they are disappointed more than they would like. Still the weather is pretty warm and the views from the water are hard to beat. So it is not all bad from my perspective.


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