Looking to the Future

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When I presented to the Forest Resources class at the University of Maine a couple of weeks ago. One of the things I mentioned was that as or society becomes more urban, electronic and fast paced there is a need to connect to the outdoors.  As most in our society are not aware of the details of not only getting outdoors but appreciating what is there when they arrive. Someone needs to help them.  A prefect description of what a guide offers!

I spend my summer and fall with folks who marvel because I know the names of the trees and birds or where the fish hang out (most of the time). That knowledge and familiarity is developed over time and is a luxury that most in our society no longer have. I think that being able to provide that connection is a skill that will be in even greater demand in coming years.

Of course finding those who value the service will always be a challenge, as it is today. I always struggle to connect with potential clients and to date have not found a magic bullet. There are lots of new and amazing tools available but still making the personal connection and explaining what you offer so that clients understand is a challenge for all of us.

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