It has always surprised me when someone calls to leave a message asking to make a reservation or sends a contact us form and when I get back to them (usually that same day) they thank me for getting back to them. I always think who would do it any differently?
This winter I have working with the health care system (nothing serious) and looking at new vehicles. What I discovered is that a prompt return phone call is rarely a given, will take a couple of days and may not connect you to the person you need to talk to. A return electronic message beyond a chirpy chatbot will take at least a few days and may never generate a response.
Now I understand why a return call from the person that you want to talk with in a timely fashion is so remarkable. Simple to do in my world but apparently impossible in other businesses. Let me assure you that there is a real commitment at Maine Outdoors to answering your requests for information quickly and in person. Each client is a person that we care about and respect.
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