Winter apparently all over the country.

I do not watch television very much. Being far from broadcast locations we get only two stations since the switch to digital, cable is not an option and my attempt to go satellite was a disaster, and a long story. This winter though Argy and I have taken to watching the evening news. It has been fascinating to watch the intense coverage of every weather event each evening.

I thought that only country people talked about the weather because it impacts everything we do. Hot cold wind rain they all make a difference to most of the people in our community because so many of us work outside. I had no idea that urban folks talked so much about the weather and in such an excited manner.

It is after all winter in the Northern Hemisphere; it snows the wind blows and if things are right it gets cold. I can’t remember thinking cold was “dangerous” more than a few times in my career. Yes I think about it, adjust what I wear and provide for clients but have rarely considered it an immediate threat. Go figure! For the record it was eight below zero here this morning with a slight breeze. Cold to be sure and it is not possible to go outside without a winter coat on. It is after all winter in Maine.

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