
Where has January gone?

I realized over the weekend that the days have gotten long enough for the chickadees to begin to sing. For me that is the first sign of spring followed very soon by early flocks of robins and bluebirds. February usually flies by but March and April are the long months for me. In Maine they are referred to as mud season. Still cold but there are warm days that offer a glimpse of the coming season.

Winter on the water

December was cold and snowy as usual but I spent more time fishing and canoeing than most years. Our oldest son Noah got a new pair of waders this fall and is eager to fish whenever he can. The Saint George here in Union is open year round so a few warm afternoons have been spent trout fishing. I even managed to catch a couple.

What a sight to see

3 eagles in the treesMid morning we noticed and eagle on the edge of the field across the street. Soon there were two more and after lunch a total of five. One juvenile and four white headed adults. Each in turn dropping into the field I assume to feed on something I will walk down to see what they are eating after they are gone. Given the wind and cold with falling temperatures I will let them eat their fill this afternoon.


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