
Loons up close

Every autumn as the loons gather on the ponds with the clearest water and best fishing they seem to lose their fear of boats. This year has been marked by loons coming very close to the boat while I have been fishing with clients. We have seen quite a few swimming nearby even under the boat in shallow water.

The Season is Changing

The season changed this week autumn is here for sure, cooler nights, crystal clear skies and highs around seventy degrees. Many folks are realizing that summer is nearly over and I have had a number of last minute reservations for family fishing trips. Some families are rushing to squeeze in just one more outdoor adventure for the season.

A Fish Story

I usually do not tell fish stories, well OK not online anyway. This story is so exceptional I have to share. I spent the last two days with a father and son from Boston, repeat clients. They fish with flies and cast well enough that I can use my bigger streamers.  Our first day together brought several nice fish to the boat including the one in the picture. Not bad but nothing exceptional.


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