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I’ve been fishing Seven Tree, Round and White Oak ponds quite a bit this season. A pike was taken through the ice last winter and the regional biologists reported a couple in North Pond a little further down river last fall. Consequently I have been watching pretty closely to see if any more would show up this summer. Every pickerel was getting a careful look over to be sure it was not a pike. I guess that I did not need to watch so closely. This afternoon a pike of seven pounds and twenty nine inches was caught on light spinning gear by one of my clients.


Megunticook Lake

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I have been on Megunticook Lake in Camden much more this year. Partly due to Ken Bailey having some health problems and filling in for him and another guide. Partly due to clients requesting to go there and finally liking what I saw. First let me state up front that in the high summer on a nice day it is way too busy for my taste. But on a September day with only a couple of other boats it was an absoulte delight. Even in the gale we had today it was still possible to find places to get out of the wind and cast a fly to bass.


The Stripers are Gone!

This morning was most likely my last striper fishing trip of the season. The river is still running brown fresh water and even the mackerel did not want to cooperate. We fished our way back up river just ahead of the wind rain and fog without so much as a follow from a striper or bluefish. This has been at best a disappointing season on stripers, I hope that next summer provides more fish.


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