
A delightful morning of fishing

I fished this morning with a gentleman from South Carolina who is spending a couple of weeks at the Samoset on vacation. We had to wait for good weather but boy was it worth the wait. There was almost no wind and clear skies with a warm sun by late morning. The beech and oak leaves were beautiful along the shore as we motored down the pond. We also saw an eagle circling overhead.

Golden Late Fall Days

Today has been one of those golden fall days. We no longer have the brilliant reds and yellows of birch and maple. Instead the golden russets of oak and beech. It was raining this morning when I got up at 4 and showered off and on until nearly daylight. After that the skies cleared and the temperature has dropped all day into the low 40’s. The air is clear and crisp with a stiff northwest wind. I wondered why the furnace came on this afternoon and stopped to build a fire in the woodstove.


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