
The best grouse hunting story! I know Its time to go fishing but the story is too good!

In keeping with my series of great guide stories from my career. This is a grouse hunting story but really more of a, what an amazing individual, story. It is even recent! Keep in mind I have been guiding grouse hunters for over 30 years and have only one other story that is even close to this one.

New Saltwater setup is here!

Got my new Orvis Saltwater rod for clients to use today. A nine foot nine weight Recon rod with a new Hydros reel. To complete what I think is the best set up it has a clear sink tip fly line which I will complete with a nine foot leader with ten pound test tippet.  Not that the stripers (and pike) are so big that such a heavy rod is required but rather that I like to use big flies that take a lot to cast.

Latest Brochures Are Here!

Last week spring was coming. You could see the difference in the light and length of day. Temperatures had even begun to warm. I took the signal and got started registered the boat, ordered my new stuff from Orvis and was watching the boat launches to see if the ice was gone. The new brochures have been delivered and a few dropped off at the the local chambers of commerce and the information centers on the Interstate.


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