
Weskeag Fishing Trip

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All of the rain lately has lots of freshwater flowing into the Saint George discoloring the water and putting the stripers off. I had cancelled my morning trip and decided to try the Weskeag River in South Thomaston because it is a very small watershed and I reasoned less likely to suffer the freshwater stain. The morning was overcast with a little fog as I tried spots in the river. I had not been on the water there for at least ten years and had forgotten what a pretty place it is.

Seal show!

I was striper fishing this morning in the cold wind and wet. When I decided that I had enough and started for the harbor. I came around a bend in the river and saw a seal coming up out of the water. I shut off the outboard and drifted to watch as it was joined by a second small seal as they porpoised right past the boat about fifteen feet away. Seemingly not bothered by the boat they kept right on going even when I had to start the outboard to keep from crashing in to the riverbank.


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