Snowing again this morning

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It is not supposed to amount to much, only a few inches or so. I have been talking with folks that are looking or book fishing trips next month and it is hard to even think fishing with the snow falling.  I spoke at the Norway Public Library as part of their Oxford Hills Reads Program on Monday evening with some general guidelines on what to do if you should find yourself lost in the woods. I of course slipped in a few minutes on Maine Guides and their history. We spent some time after my talk learning how to use a map and compass in a hands on lesson.

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There was a good turnout, nice folks with interesting questions and it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. One thing was put into perspective for me though and that was the amount of snow that we have on the ground. We have definitely had a lot of snow this winter but over there the snowbanks along the road are at least five feet high. In fact some of the road signs are hidden completely by the snow. Our snow has shrunk enough that it definitely looks like spring is coming. I am guessing though that it will not look like spring in that country for quite some time.

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