Sometimes everything happens at once

Sometimes things align to make life seem crazy. My October upland bird hunting starts a long stretch without a day off tomorrow, Argy is one of the lead planners for At the Creative Center a conference for 300 or so Arts Educators that happens Friday and Saturday at the Samoset, Nicholas is giving a presentation at the conference on Friday and Noah will be coming down from the College of the Atlantic to take pictures of the event for his mom. Needless to say we are all in a whirlwind this morning.
The morning was spent packing, working on PowerPoint presentations moving pictures onto various presentations and general mayhem. Luckily the conference is only fifteen miles from the house so forgotten items can be retrieved. I will be at Libby Camps though and anything I forget is pretty much not available until I return next weekend. After a few years though it is much less nerve wracking and I am looking forward to some time in remote country.
As part of my work with the Maine Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation I wanted to make an effort to have hunters in this months first ever fall firearms turkey hunt be extra safe. A part of that effort I had contacted John Holyoke a while back. He called yesterday and we did a brief phone interview that ran in today’s Bangor Daily News. John, thank you very much for the help and to all of you hunters please BE CAREFUL.

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