Wildflowers, Blackflies and Fiddleheads

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We have had a few sunny warm days and spring is progressing rapidly. Many of the woodland wildflowers are wasting no time blooming to take advantage of the full sunlight on the forest floor. It won’t be long until the leaves pop and shade everything with full summer growth. Already the poplars and birches are sporting small bright green leaves. I see the buds of the beeches are swollen and very close to opening.

For now though there are lots of interesting wildflowers to see. Canada Mayflowers and TrilliumToday I noticed a carpet of Canada mayflowers with a few trilliums thrown in for color. A shadbush coming into bloom and the blackflies were hard to miss this afternoon.

We have a small patch of fiddleheads that are usually ahead of most others in the area and we got enough to have them for a couple of meals this week. For those of you that are not familiar with them fiddleheads are the fronds of the ostrich fern when they first emerge. A Maine delicacy with a flavor similar to asparagus. They are wild but available in some of our grocery stores and on some restaurant menus in the spring. If you have never had them you should definitely give them a try.
Shadbush in bloom

All of this means that the rapid progression from early spring to summer is in full swing. Of course the current weather forecast has snow in it for the next couple of days. Two steps forward and one back I suppose.

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