Winter respite!

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This afternoon is the perfect winter day. Forty degrees Fahrenheit, warm for February. A little breeze out of the west and not a cloud in the sky! As you can see most of the snow is gone from the fields but there is there is still plenty in the woods.

I had a meeting in Augusta this morning and when I arrived back at the office there were a couple dozen robins on the lawn. I know it is still mid February and we have a lot of winter to go but a day like this makes me and the robins think of spring.

I had just been talking about how our bird population was pretty run of the mill this winter. Chickadees, nuthatches and titmice but nothing unusual. I looked back through my previous blog posts and see that this is pretty close to when I see robins every year, here is last year’s post from February 6th. Imagine that.

I’ve got to hurry and get in a few more winter exploration trips because it won’t be long until it is time to get out the fly rods and canoe paddles.

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