Trending toward autumn

On a canoe trip Saturday evening I noticed the first Joe Pie Weed in bloom this summer. That marks the beginning of the progression that to me marks the end of full summer and the beginning of autumn. Next I watch for the Cardinal Flower a bright red stalk along the river and finally Arrowhead will make its appearance along the banks. Here and there a tree or two has started to take on a reddish hue.

Water temperatures are high but have started to drop by a degree. A cloudy drizzly morning led to some outstanding fishing on Sunday, with the perch more willing than usual and a few nice bass in the mix. The coming week looks like it will feature unsettled conditions that will extend the trend. The good news is that the fishing only gets better for about a month and a half now.

The schedule is pretty full this week with a nice mix of fresh and saltwater trips. Even my clients are ramping up their activity in anticipation of the end of summer. If you have not already made plans to spend time in the Maine Outdoors this summer now is the time.

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