Oh the places I go!

I write mostly about my life as a guide and my observations of the Maine Outdoors. In reality though I have another facet of what I do. I am proud to be the Executive Director of the Maine Professional Guides Association. In that role I represent the association and guides in a lot of amazing places. This January has been busy and has already taken me to a variety of places.

Last Friday I was a panelist at the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine's annual Sportsman's Congress in a session on Maine's deer herd and in the afternoon moderated a very interesting session on gun control. George Smith writes a blog on the politics and policy of Maine's outdoors and wrote this report on the event.

Needless to say the coming legislative session will be a fascinating way to spend my winter! As the interesting events take place I plan to pass on some of the highlights in this blog.

Stay tuned.

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