
The days are short so the beginning and end of my days are in the dark. Yesterday morning as I came out of the garage in the dark and I caught something small rushing out of the door ahead of me. My first thought was oh no a rat! As I walked out and the light came on there it was a small white rocket with striking black eyes. An ermine, or really a weasel turned white for the winter.

He or she quickly darted under the nearby woodpile. I noticed an empty dog food can on the ground, something I have been blaming the dogs all winter. In a flash the ermine was back and stuck his or her head into the can and started to walk toward the woodpile with the can on it’s head. Needless to say pretty funny to watch. In a flash the ermine decided that was not a good strategy and disappeared back into the wood pile.

Later on I noticed that the can was gone so I assume it made it under the woodpile and I will find it next spring when the wood is moved into the garage. So first an apology to my dogs they have not been fishing the dog food cans out of the trash second some really good news on the mouse and rat front. We have a very efficient predator living close by who will keep them very much in control and is fun to see!

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