I saw a flock of robins today on my way down the hill and noticed that the Saint George has carved a warmer water path into Round Pond. Mot importantly the afternoon is now noticeably longer and fades into a pink early evening pastel on the hillside across the way. All signs that spring is coming and before you know it I’ll be back on the water guiding every day.
Spring is of course the season of new things and something and a new package of guided trips is currently on my radar. As you might know our son Noah started his own guide service last summer Equinox Guiding Services LLC based in Camden; they offer rock and ice climbing adventures. Noah and I are thinking about a combination trip. Fishing on Lake Megunticook in the morning with me and after a lunch on the shore of the lake an afternoon learning to rock climb with Noah.
Certainly a change from most of what Maine Outdoors offers but I am guessing something with appeal to some. At any rate we are thinking about the possibilities. I am curious is it something that you or your family might be interested in?
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