New Saltwater setup is here!

Got my new Orvis Saltwater rod for clients to use today. A nine foot nine weight Recon rod with a new Hydros reel. To complete what I think is the best set up it has a clear sink tip fly line which I will complete with a nine foot leader with ten pound test tippet.  Not that the stripers (and pike) are so big that such a heavy rod is required but rather that I like to use big flies that take a lot to cast. Not to mention that here on the coast the wind blows most of the time. You just need the heavier setup to get in the best part of the trip without conditions making casting impossible. The reel is set up left handed because it is after all my rod.

I went out on the snow and made the first few casts this afternoon. I was able to cast a long line with relative ease. The new rods are so much better than anything I had starting out almost fifty years ago.  Of course now I just need some warm weather. Not this week I am afraid but still the days is long and the light is the same as it is in September but now with a good snow cover. It was still light tonight when I let the dogs out at a quarter to seven in the evening! With a sliver of moon in the western sky. The change of season is well underway and it won’t be long now!

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