Winter is back

After two of weeks of fairly warm weather where it looked like the snow might even disappear.  Winter has returned, in fact we are in the middle of a very snowy stretch of whether.  We had snow on Wednesday Thursday and Friday and it is snowing again this morning.  None of these events have put down big accumulations but we seem to get five or six inches almost every time. The last couple of storms have been light and fluffy snow with little wind so everything is covered. This afternoon and tomorrow are forecast to be very windy so I would expect that the fairy tale look will not last long. It has not been especially cold but the weatherman is calling for much colder weather this coming week. 

I’ve talked with several people this winter about the different birds they are seeing at their feeders. Pine Grossbeaks are common in some areas locally this winter. In a normal year we do not see many of them at all.  Apparently they migrate further in years when food is scarce for them up north. They are fun to see on the roadside once in a while. I don't have anything that unusual at my feeder.  But I do have Tufted Titmice in numbers. It has been a long time since I've even seen one at our feeders.  I also hear cardinals singing in the neighborhood even though I don't see them at the feeder.

Of course the turkeys are still in the neighborhood, last weekend we looked out at the field across the road and saw more than 50 feeding along. I have not seen them this week but have send their tracks in the snow so I know that they are still around.

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