Fall Transitions

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Almost all of the leaves are off of the trees and we are forecast to have a warm day, the last one for this week and maybe for a while. November marks the transition from summer activities to winter and at the moment it shows. All of my equipment for a variety of activities is out in the garage.November Sunrise

Fishing rods including the fly rods used in an impromptu casting lesson with bird hunters last month; grouse and woodcock hunting things; dog kennels, whistles, bells and assorted bits and pieces. Duck decoys for all of the early fall species but I noticed yesterday that the bufflehead and goldeneyes have arrived so I need to get out another set of decoys for those species.

Gradually all of this will be stored away until next season as I transition into what I have come to call meeting season. Luckily most of the canoe trip things are put away in September so some of the clutter is reduced providing some room for me to stack in a little firewood without having to put it all away. Of course with all of those possibilities would I really waste a warm sunny day stacking firewood?

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