Snowy Surprise!

October flew by that is for sure. Guiding grouse and woodcock hunters at Libby Camps in northern Maine and a few in the area filled the end of the month for me. This was a year with very high numbers of birds and good weather; definitely a standard to measure others against. Sunday brought a surprise snowstorm that left a little better than six inches of new snow here in Union. Yes we usually get some snow during October but never enough to plow or shovel and it melts when the sun comes out. Not this year!

We lost a few limbs from trees in the yard and the apple tree on the side is split in half from the weight of the snow. Power was out for a while but everything is back to normal now. Argy and I had driven to Rhode Island to see Nicholas speak at the University welcome program and missed the storm. We drove home in the afternoon under sunny skies and strong wind. I am guessing that any fishing trips that were in the cards might cancel given the wintery scene. I guess it is time to get the rest of the firewood in for the winter.

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