
Spring is coming? Isn’t it?

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Snow on the ground yesterday, 19 degrees this morning and the high was near 40. At least the wind is not blowing. The calendar says spring is here but it is hard to tell the last couple of days. We had some warm weather but I was busy first with the Maine Professional Guides Association annual banquet. A huge success thank you! Then I attended the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies conference in Portland where I gave a presentation.

Getting ready for the coming season

April marks the beginning of my summer season. The snow is nearly gone and the ponds will soon be ice free. The rites of spring are in full swing, some neighbors tap maple trees, the frost heaves are huge and the annual St George River canoe race, the water was high and the times fast. No I have never been in the race but my son Noah has been a few times and was again this year.

Guides Vacation Report

Argy and our desert ride!So what does a guide do for a vacation? This year it was a visit to the desert and a fishing trip on the Pacific. Argy was scheduled to attend a conference in San Diego, we flew in to Las Vegas, rented a convertible and drove through Death Valley. An amazing place to be sure and as different as anyplace could be from Maine in late winter. We continued on to San Diego through Joshua Tree National Park.


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