
Spring snow

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I take a first aid and CPR course every other year so that I am always certified part of my commitment to provide safe trips for clients. My final class for this year was last evening. When I left the house it was snowing but not amounting to much, the roads on the way in were just wet. As the evening went by we could see out the windows that the snow was starting to really come down and it has been a long time since I had to drive home in a near white out!

Woodcock are back!

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Spring is well on its way here. The brooks are running bank full as the snow slowly melts, the fields are free of snow for the first time since Christmas and the birds have begun to return. This week Argy and I were on our evening walk and I commented that the woodcock should be back soon no sooner were the words out of my mouth and we could hear that unmistakable twitter overhead. They are back!

Stuff that just works!

Recently I wrote a post about a snowshoe trip and how the clients were delighted to be on wooden snowshoes. I was amazed to think that they were over 30 years old. That got me thinking about the things that I use that simply do what they were intended to do year after year like the wooded snowshoes. Lots of things come to mind and I thought that folks might like to know about some of the equipment I use that just plain works.


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