
Loons up close

This morning as I was bass fishing with my clients on Megunticook Lake in Camden we were surprised by a pair of loons. The loons came from a considerable distance behind us. Actually my clients came from a more considerable distance, but that is another story. Each loon swam under the boat seconds apart (they were very visible passing by in the clear water) and came up only a few feet away. In hindsight it was one of the best photo opportunities I have ever had to get an image of a loon they were so close that the green neck band was very prominent in the sunlight.

Guides Working Group

I received a letter today from Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Deputy Commissioner Paul Jacques asking me to serve on a working group on Guides formed by the Department to recommend any changes that are needed to the definition of a Registered Maine Guide. We will review the outdoor recreational activities that currently are offered for a fee in Maine. Then determine if any that do not currently require a guides license should.Master Maine Guide


Sometime during Thursday night Argy woke me and we were right in the middle of a tremendous thunderstorm. The lighting was frequent and vivid; it must have been raining hard but that did not register at that moment. I got up at 4 the next morning and looked down the driveway at our road. It was dark and foggy but I thought I could see something, a mound of dirt maybe? I figured that leaves or loose hay had blown into the road in the storm. Wrong.


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