
What a day!

Granted the fishing was slow (only a few little bass) but the day and setting were perfect I was on Alford Lake in Hope Alford Lakewithout a cloud in the sky, temperatures in the high sixties and a gentle west wind. Two pairs of loons a few wood ducks and an eagle overhead. It does not get any better than this; you all missed a nearly perfect day on the water today. I’m sure this is the first of many!

Green Grass

The rain of the last couple of days has made the grass green and with the warm sunny forecast for the next several I expect that we will be mowing lawns soon, The brook next to the house is running loudly this morning as a result of the rain. Time to get on the water on a regular basis. I plan to make an exploratory fishing trip tomorrow and Saturday. I’ll report my results here.


One of the sure signs that summer is around the corner is the call of the phoebe. Sine they are a flycatcher their arrival tells me that the bugs are out. Our phoebes arrived last week and we are greeted on every trip outside by calls of “phoebe”. For a few summers they were adamant about nesting in the garage or directly over the door. Last summer they found a new nesting spot and I hope that they settle there again this year.


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