
First woodcock of the spring!

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Yesterday morning I had let the dogs out for their morning exercise and come in to get something from my desk. I look out of the window and could see Mae the pointer standing stock still, tail wagging just a little. Then she moved and set up again looking very intent (running bird). Soon Copper came up to see what was going on and stopped stock still right behind her. Of course I did not have my spring mindset and at first thought “I wonder what those dogs are watching?”

Customer Relationships

Over the years I have developed some great relationships with my clients. We both enjoy each other’s company and look forward to spending time together each summer or fall. Sometimes I have gone the extra mile for them to make a trip truly memorable or special, a birthday cake, a visit to an out of the way place that I know they will appreciate or something as simple as driving to their hotel with a forgotten jacket or pair of sunglasses.


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