
A campaign video star

I was approached by a staff member from the Collins for Senate campaign and asked if I would be interested in doing a short piece for their web site. Over the years I have become more moderate in my thinking and appreciate the middle of the road views of both of our Senators. Not that I always agree with them but I like their approach. After thinking it over for an afternoon I thought why not? So we arranged an afternoon for them to shoot the video and a few days later it is live on the web.

Early October Fishing

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The rain from Hurricane Kyle did not hit us as hard as expected but we still had enough water to raise the rivers lakes and ponds pretty significantly. The river is not at flood stage but definitely bank full. No wading for trout this week anyway. I have guided a few parties getting in one last fishing trip before winter this week and have one more before I switch over to grouse hunting for the rest of the month.



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