
Fall in the Air Today

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Today we have been treated to a brisk northwest breeze and beautiful clear skies. You can tell that as soon as the sun starts toward the horizon that the temperature will drop. Fall is definitely on the way and the October upland season will be here soon. I am looking forward to spending time in the big woods at Libby Camps with the dogs enjoying the great October weather.

Autumn Begins Slowly

All of the signs of the impending change in season are here. The air has cleared and the humidity seems to be gone. Union Fair is underway and the traffic is at the annual peak in town. On the river the cardinal flowers have nearly gone by and the arrowhead is in full bloom. Over the last week the numbers of painted turtles sunning on almost every rock and log along the river has been nothing short of amazing as they take full advantage of the sunny weather. Here and there a maple has already given up the season and is now turning a brilliant red.

A First for me!

The rain of the last couple of weeks has made it possible to get the Lund into Round Pond for my family fishing trips. It is great fun to be finding new perch spots and there are certainly plenty of perch to be found. Thursday afternoon I had a family with two teenage sons fishing and they were doing quite well. Both boys had fifteen or sixteen fish and we had a school of perch under the boat a good part of the time. I was busy keeping lines straight and looking in another direction when I hear a very loud splash.


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