

One great thing about being a guide and fishing every day is seeing the differences from one day to the next. Or in today’s case one river to the next. A client was staying in Boothbay and asked if we could do his morning trip from Wiscasset instead of Thomaston. I have not fished that area consistently in years but figured it would be a good chance to see some old familiar territory and see what there were for fish down there.

Rescue at Sea

A chance to really help someone in immediate need comes only once in a while. I had a chance this morning. I had picked up my clients for the morning at their rental house on the river. After a good morning of fishing I dropped them off at their dock and headed back toward the harbor. But since it was a nice morning and the tide suited perfectly I decided to fish one of my favorite shallow coves. I pulled up into the cove, made a cast and was instantly fast to a fish that broke the tippet. The morning’s client had been using the rod and I am sure that it had a knot in it.

Working steadily

I am right in the middle of a very busy stretch where even an afternoon off is unusual. Mostly striper fishing but enough other trips to keep it interesting. In fact this morning I will be on a family canoe trip for a few hours and am looking forward to paddling a canoe. I have been treated to almost continuous wildlife sightings over the last week from a mink on the bank to eagles sitting close by and watching us fish. The osprey numbers in the Saint George near Thomaston Harbor are impressive.


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