Small Business

Slower Pace in September

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Even after 22 years I am always a little let down in September the frantic pace of summer is gone and the fall flurry has not started. So I have this window of time with excellent weather and a fairly low number of trips. When you run a small business of course the first thing you feel is guilty. “I should be out there guiding someone every day” then reality sets in there is still plenty to do.

Thinking about the future of my industry

I spend time regularly thinking about the business of being a guide. Not only because that is what I have for a business but as I think about teaching others in my seminars I pretty carefully think thorough what it takes to make it all work. After 22 years at it I have a pretty good idea of what a successful guide looks like, From this perspective it has been very interesting to read the comments on the Plum Creek zoning plan submitted by various environmental groups, which I am doing as part of my role representing the Maine Bowhunters Association.

Thinking About The Customer Experience

As I sit on the deck and write this there are an even dozen bluebirds sitting on the power line in front of the house. I assume that they are flocking up getting ready to migrate. More bluebirds than I have ever seen at any one time in one place. Today is a gorgeous autumn day, puffy white clouds and a pleasant northwest breeze. The last week of the summer season was a gradual slowdown from what has been a very busy stretch. I had one day with three trips but others with one or two and a couple of days off on the Labor Day weekend due to last minute cancellations.


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