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If you live in the south you don’t have the chance to experience icicles like we do here in Maine. With our recent snow and a few sunny cold days, we have had excellent conditions for icicles to form on the eves of the house. Icicles hang in front of the officeThe sun warms the roof (partly because I shoveled a few bare patches that really heat up) melting the snow that then trickles down and refreezes as it drips from the eves.

Snowy Surprise!

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This latest snowstorm was a bit of a surprise all the way around, after a pretty big storm on Thursday I expected that most of the energy had been taken from the atmosphere and the Sunday storm would not be a big deal. The forecasters seemed to agree with me first calling for over a foot of snow and then backing off to a forecast of only 5 to 9 inches last evening. We were all wrong!


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