
Spring Soon!

This week’s project is a new roof on the front of the garage. It has been a great reminder that I am not as young as I used to be. I am sore from climbing ladders and stiff from handling bundles of shingles. When I am finished the roof should be good for another twenty years; of course it will be no fun at all when I am in my seventies!

A few warm days!

Yesterday was warm and sunny and we spent a good part of the morning sitting on the deck. After a long winter it felt great to be sitting outside in the sun. Even if the snow was piled high around the deck making, it hard to see over the top of the pile. With the onset of warm weather I have seen several chipmunks out and about having come out of hibernation. Clearly spring is on its way and the next few weeks will bring gradually warming temperatures and thawing ice.


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