
Snow Arrives Today

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Our first real snowstorm arrived today. I snowed off and on over the weekend and the lawn has been white a few times this fall but today is the first real storm. We are predicted to get between 4 and 6 inches. It has been snowing since before daylight and everything is white. Of course this marks the beginning if winter and I am not ready.

Happy Camping??

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Recently I attended a small business event and had the chance to meet in person someone that I had been talking with online casually for over a year. Her parting remark to me was happy camping. I realized that even after interacting on social media, reading my blog and looking at my web site she assumed that I was all about camping. Not at all the case. There was a time when extended camping trips were a large part of my summer season but that was twenty years ago now.


Fall is all but over and winter will be here soon with a blanket of snow and cold to match. Thankful for another great season of guiding, I have been working on firewood this week and thinking about the seasons here at Maine Outdoors. Many clients ask about what I do during the winter. Here is the seasonal rhythm of my year.


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