It rained heavily again last night and today we have drizzle and fog. This June is the wettest on record and I would guess that the number of sunny days is pretty low. The tidal portion of the Saint George looks like a chocolate milkshake and the freshwater section is out of its banks. Not very conducive weather for the sort of outdoor activities that Maine Outdoors offers in the summer.
Yesterday morning dawned foggy, drizzly and cold. Just like most of June. In fact I was quite cold on the morning striper fishing trip. But by the time I had driven from the harbor to home the clouds had broken up and we were treated to a perfect blue sky afternoon.
This morning was the first time I heard the robins sing. Granted it was only for a few minutes, the temperature was in the low teens and yesterday was punctuated with snow squalls. But it was unmistakable and a sure sign that warmer days will be here soon. The snow has melted back to the point where I should be able to pull the Lund out of its winter parking spot and take it for the annual checkup. I am hoping that by the time it is finished there will be some open water to use it in.