The last two mornings on the salt water were nothing less than chilly. This morning the fog was rising from the water surface just like Arctic Sea Smoke does in the winter on a really cold day. Of course today’s temperature was in the upper thirty’s and not the single numbers that produce sea smoke. Both days have been crystal clear with a cobalt blue sky and little wind. The striper fishing was slower yesterday than it was this morning but both days were very good.
Today was one of those days that you dream about for the rest of the year. The weather was pretty close to perfect. Not frosty this morning but chilly enough that you know fall will be here soon with nice warm temperatures during the day. No wind to speak of and a perfect blue sky uninterrupted by even one cloud. I am sitting n the deck this evening and you can hear the neighbors cows clearly mooing steadily a half mile away. The leaves continue their steady change but still are very much green.
The air changed this weekend. Saturday morning we were greeted with heavy showers as the first cold front of the season plowed away the moist summer air. By noon the skies had cleared and there was a sharp northwest breeze. This dry air is marked by very blue skies dotted with white puffy clouds, what I refer to as Chamber of Commerce weather, perfect for any outdoor activity. Luckily I had the day off and did not have to dodge the morning lightning or find places out of the wind in the afternoon.