
First Fishing Trip

I am still trying out the new Lund Alaskan and making sure that everything works as it should before my season really gets underway. To do that I thought that I would take advantage of the warm afternoon that we were having today. I launched the boat in Seven Tree pond and after an initial mishap (left the plug out when I launched, really good news the bilge pump works like a charm) I spent an hour or so bass fishing.

The New Lund Alaskan!

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This morning Argy and I got up early and drove to Bar Harbor to have breakfast with our son and his girlfriend before heading back to Ellsworth to pick up my new Lund at Branch Pond Marine. We got the paperwork filled out and wrote the big check before getting the walk through on how to make everything work. After going over all of the details we drove back to Union. After a short break at my desk I began fitting the boat out with the required safety equipment and handy items that I like to have on board.

Warm dry spring weather!

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This week has been marked by a rapid transition to spring in all of it’s glory. Warm days with little wind and clear blue skies. Our crocuses and daffodils came into bloom this week and the grass is looking green. The birds have gone into full spring mode as rapidly. This week I noted the first bluebird song, turkeys gobbling every morning and the grouse in the woodlot drumming.


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