

This time of year I like to look back and see what an amazing year it has been. Maine Outdoors continues to grow and become the successful company I envisioned long ago. I was able to spend over one hundred days this season guiding folks who remind me every day how fortunate I am to live and work where I do. That only reinforces my own feeling of amazement at being a successful Maine Guide for over twenty years and some of the places I am fortunate enough to know very well. From the ledges on the edge of the open Atlantic Ocean to the bird cover in remote northern Maine.

Winter is coming

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This week is marked by some pretty dramatic changes in the weather. This morning the ground is covered with snow. Not a huge amount but enough to remind us all of what is coming. The temperatures have followed suit we were having highs in the 50’s last week and now are looking at highs near 40 degrees. Many of the smaller water bodies have a skim of ice and I had to change the dog’s water bucket to the heated ones for winter on Monday. All of this may not last (we normally have a warm spell in early December) but clearly winter is on its way.

The firewood is in!

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One job that needs to be done every fall is getting the winter supply of firewood stacked in the garage. It is not an especially hard job to complete but it takes a fair amount of time with the cutting, splitting and stacking. I have always liked to have it all done in September but for the last several years it seems to be finished in November. As the fall has become a busier season it seems like there is always some other priority. As of suppertime yesterday though I am finished with firewood for this fall.


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