
Request from Stripers Forever

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Dear Striped Bass Fisherman – our favorite fish is struggling, and Stripers Forever, a free-membership, internet-based organization needs as many members as possible to continue the momentum gained when President Bush recently signed the Executive Order establishing game fish status for all striped bass in Federal waters - the EEZ.  Stripers Forever was an importrant part of a collaborative effort to secure this designation.  Now we need to get those states that still allow commercial fishing in the near-shore waters to grant wild striped bass game fish status as well.

Flying Adventure

During my time at Libby Camps both Matt Libby and I had a meeting of the task force on the deer herd in northern and eastern Maine to attend. We were able to schedule the meeting on a day when we were both off from guiding and were could travel together. Matt needed to take one of his floatplanes to the sea plan base near Bangor where the meeting was being held and was kind enough to offer to fly us down. A return ride to northern Maine was arranged.

Great time of year!

This fall’s foliage seems to be better than I remember. It is interesting though to be in two regions of the state separated by a little better than 200 miles and see the differences. I travelled home from Libby Camps this weekend for a little rest and relaxation. (Actually to clear out my mailbox and the top of my desk in the office) At any rate the foliage here on the coast lags the North Country by a week or so in my estimation.


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