
Stripers even in the rain

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The stripers have arrived in the St George river not in big numbers yet but steady fishing. I fished this morning even though it was raining, cold (45 degrees) and blowing a gale out of the east. I fished in the river above Thomaston Harbor so the wind only served to make the morning uncomfortable and not rough or dangerous. The water temperature is playing a big role in striper fishing success right now you could see the fish gradually stop feeding on the incoming tide. The incoming tide driven by the easterly wind brought a dose of temperature reality with it.

Brook Trout Bonus

I was bass fishing with a young couple this weekend and was very pleasantly surprised by two brook trout. The first one was caught at the boat launch before we had even gotten in the boat, the second came about halfway through the morning, a very pleasant surprise for all of us and they each landed one trout.  Not to mention being absolutely beautiful with excellent color, almost as bright as they are in the fall.This morning I went down on the Saint George River to look for stripers, I did not find even one. I did see five eagles all together in one spot.

Summer in an instant

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Today is a summer day that is for sure, the humidity is hanging in the air holding down the visibility and the temperature is in the low 90’s. Quite a change from last week when I was wondering if I should put in some more firewood to carry us through until summer arrived. If you don’t like the weather in New England just wait a minute.


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