
A cold and snowy start to April

The snow storm last week left us with over a foot of new snow. In April you would assume that the strong spring sun and warm daytime temperatures would make short work of turning it into melt water. Not this April, we have had pretty cool days and nights well below freezing so we still have more than half of last weeks snowfall on the ground. The dirt road in front of the house is under constant patrol all day by a flock of robins searching for a worm unlucky enough to surface.

Winter Returns

Just when we were all making plans for spring, had put away the winter boots and were watching the ice go. We get another dose of winter. When I got up- this morning we had around 10 inches of snow on the ground and it was snowing so hard that one of the dogs would not go out. Now a few hours later we have well over a foot of new snow on the ground and it is still snowing. So much for winter being over! At least it is not terribly cold the temperature has remained around 30 for several days and it is still there.

New taxes coming for me?

I listened in to the Taxation Committee discussions on Monday and heard some pretty interesting discussions. Needless to say they are seriously talking about putting the sales tax on my services (along with many others) and increasing the percentage that I will pay on the meals I serve. I quickly did the math and realized that I am facing a cost increase of $30 per day. Not pleasant given that the major oil companies have also decided in the last month or so that they need a bigger piece of my operation as well.


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