
A Changing Outdoor Recreation Marketplace

I am reading Daniel Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind” about the transformation of our economy. It is an interesting read and I agree for the most part with his assertions about the future. I had read an article by Pink in Fact Company magazine a while back and by luck was able to hear him speak when we were in New York last month. I am fortunate to be in a business that cannot be automated or sent overseas but I am trying to think about the implications for Maine Outdoors, my industry and in fact the Maine economy.

The woodcock return

Last evening when I went to let the dogs out for their run I heard the unmistakable peent of a male woodcock. No spiraling courtship display yet but it can only be days off. Most folks do not know what a woodcock is but to those in the know they are an important part of the spring progression. Each day it gets harder to sit at my desk or attend some meeting or other and only think about the outdoors. I am itching to get started.

Spring proceeds

On my walk this afternoon I noticed the first pussy willows on the side of the road. I’m sure that there are others around that started earlier but they are the first for me this year. The ice on the ponds is beginning to darken as t prepares to leave every so slowly. In fact this early spring comes slowly still. Saturday night we had one of those wet snows that for the most part melts as fast as it falls. When I got up this morning everything was coated with white frosting and fog hung in the air. Bt 8AM most of the new snow was gone with the warming day.


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