
To NYC and back

Last week we flew down to New York City so that my son could visit a few colleges that he has on his list. It was an adventure from beginning to end. We made it down without a hitch including the taxi ride to the hotel. He and I visited a total of three colleges and saw quite a range in the quality of presentations. It made me wonder why if you were in the business of selling the opportunity to attend your institution you would turn that task over to a student with only a passing knowledge of the place and not much more interest.

What a difference a few warm days make.

We started to warm up on Friday with temperatures in the 30’s, Saturday was warmer still and we had some rain Saturday night. Yesterday was warm again and the show is shrinking rapidly. The canoes on the bottom or rack out back were covered with snow last week and now are very much in the clear. I checked to be sure that the water is running under the snow through the culverts in front of the house. If you listen carefully you can hear it as it gurgles it’s way to the brook. Of course all of this means that winter is on it’s way out and it won’t be long until spring fishing starts.


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