
Finally some winter weather.

After several weeks of warm and wet it feels like January. When Argy and I went for our walk this morning it was eight degrees and the temperature at eleven is just eighteen. When it is cold like this it gets uncomfortable to sit at my desk for long periods of time because the floor in the office is so cold. Luckily I can take a laptop in and sit by the woodstove to do my writing. I am sure that this cold snap will put a coat of ice on the lakes and ponds although we are a few days from a solid covering. The best part is some discussion of a snow storm over the weekend.

Natural Resource Network

Our weather continues to be amazing, we are just not having a winter. I thought this morning that it was cold until I looked at the thermometer and it showed that the temperature was 29 degrees. Pretty balmy for January to be sure with no snow anywhere.
I was driving to Augusta for a meeting (actually a day filled with meetings) just past the Medomak River I saw a bobcat cross the road in front of me. Pretty unusual to see one out and about especially in broad daylight.

OK I am starting to believe that global warming is here.

I have been one of those who were skeptical of the global warming hype for a long time. I believe that it is very hard to see long term trends while you are living in them. But given the fact that it is now January and we do not have ice on the ponds that is safe to walk on tells me that something is definitely up. We get a few days of cold weather and then it warms up and rains. Hardly a Maine winter we have only had a few inches of snow but plenty of rain.


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