
Maine Web Report

I just noticed that I was quoted over on the Maine Web Report Lance Dutson has been very critical of the Maine Office of Tourism and their handling of the state internet marketing. Unfortunately I am not certain that it is just the state if our visitors are using the internet less than the national norm. Maybe they do not expect us to be connected. I did have clients this summer that were suprised at my web capability.

Maine's Tourism Outlook

Friday I attended Maine’s Tourism outlook conference 2007 put on by Centro the tourism research arm of the University of Maine. The day did not deliver much of value in terms of new information. They are predicting some growth in the national economy which they feel will provide tourism in the state with flat growth in the coming season.

They are using Turnpike traffic as a benchmark and I walked away with these gems.
If it snows this winter turnpike traffic will be up
If we have good weather next summer turnpike traffic will be up


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