
The last day of striper fishing for a while.

Today will be my last striper fishing trip for this year. It is a perfect fall day with a crystal clear blue sky and around 80% foliage change. The last two mornings have been very cold. In fact yesterday I thought that my clients might freeze. None of us was expecting it to be that cold or to be so slow in warming up. Fishing is slow but there are still fish around and I had a really big striper break my tippet Thursday morning. Here is one of the fish we caught yesterday.

Learning to hunt the hard way

Last week while guiding a striper fishing party I had worked the boat well up onto a mud flat. As I tell many clients I have all kinds of courage when the tide is rising. We were in roughly a foot of water but the fish were there chasing bait to the surface in that shallow water. I heard a kingfisher yell as they do on the late summer and did not really pay any attention. In a moment he was right in front of the boat still nothing that unusual except we were far from shore where they usually hang out.


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