
What a storm

This weekend was an early November gale we had winds of over 50 miles an hour from Saturday afternoon to late Sunday. Most of the day Saturday we had torrential rain that was as much horizontal as vertical. I knew that the seas would be something to see so Argy and I took a ride down to Pemaquid Point Saturday afternoon. There were waves that I would guess to be about twenty feet and a few higher ones crashing in on the rocks. There was pelting rain and salt spray flying through the air. We stood behind the brick fog signal so that we would not be blown back by the wind.

The long tail of guiding

I spend a lot of time driving in October with trips to Libby Camps and Pittston Farm in northern Maine. In my travels I listened to The Long Tail by Chris Anderson I think that this line of thinking has huge implications for the guide business. I remember when I started out long ago that one of the hotel owners I visited to drop off brochures told me that I could not possibly succeed because I could not accommodate large groups. His rationale was that people did not do anything in groups of less than fifty.

How will we adapt?

I have been at a two day meeting where one of the topics was how do we recruit more kids into outdoor activities specifically hunting and fishing. More importantly how do we get them to develop a conservation ethic? The future of wildlife conservation is very much in question as the numbers of hunters and fisherman face precipitous decline. Because much if not all of the funding for wildlife conservation comes from hunters and fisherman and there is not a young cohort in line to replace the aging population something will have to be done very quickly.


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