
Firewood and the changing environment

I started to cut and split our firewood for the coming winter this morning. When I was younger cutting it to length took one day. But now that I am 50 I work for a couple of hours in the morning and then get cleaned up and sit at my desk for the rest of the day. Partly because I am not as able to handle a chain saw all day and partly because I now have work to do at my desk, given this slower pace it should take all week to get six cords of tree length firewood sized for the Jotul 118 and most of the weekend to get it split.

What a guide does changes with the seasons

One of the great things about my business is that as the weather changes so do my activities. I am now spending time in the woods with the dogs getting us all in shape for the coming upland bird hunting season. Not long sessions right now but pleasant walks in the woods to allow all of us the chance to stretch the muscles we will be using in a few weeks. Even though my upland hunting season is short it is very intense with only Sundays off during October. By the end of the month we will all be delighted to spend a day at home resting.

Fall Arrives

Fishing has been excellent on fresh and saltwater this month. The juvenile alewives are pouring out of the river this week and the stripers are having a field day. Because of the change in baitfish the stripers are behaving very differently than they did even two weeks ago. They are further up in the river and frequenting the shallow places that they avoid in mid summer. Last week I fished on the Medomak River out of Round Pond, it was a real treat to visit places I had not seen in awhile. Yes there were fish in almost all of the old familiar places.


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