
Stuff that just works!

Recently I wrote a post about a snowshoe trip and how the clients were delighted to be on wooden snowshoes. I was amazed to think that they were over 30 years old. That got me thinking about the things that I use that simply do what they were intended to do year after year like the wooded snowshoes. Lots of things come to mind and I thought that folks might like to know about some of the equipment I use that just plain works.

Washing away the snow this morning!

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We have had two big rainstorms this week that have made considerable progress on melting away the snow. Temperatures are warmer to be sure but who feels warm when it is blowing a gale, raining steadily and foggy? The good news is that as the snow and ice gradually retreat we are closer every day to launching the Lund and learning what this springs fishing will be like.

A morning of big birds

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Walking in the snow the other day I was treated to seeing a couple of big birds very close. The first was a large tom turkey hiding in the brush at the edge of the road. As I walked to within fifteen feet or so he took to the air with a great flapping of wings. Needless to say a bird that large taking to the air from the ground so close is both impressive and startling!Pileated Woodpecker


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