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Wednesday is the first day of spring and to demonstrate that mother nature has a sense of humor we are forecast to have a foot of new snow tomorrow. The temperature this morning was eight degrees. Winter is not giving up easily this year.

Early spring is an awkward time of year in mid coast Maine. The snow is almost gone (until tomorrow that is), the ice on the ponds has gotten too soft to trust and many days are still pretty cold. I noticed yesterday that the daffodils on the lawn are almost an inch high clearly they are thinking that spring is coming.

Kids Make Their Case at the Maine Legislature

My winter is filled with meetings and legislative hearings for the Maine Professional Guides Association. Once in a while something notable comes up and the press is there. A couple of weeks ago a group of students from the Spruce Mountain School came to make their case to provide every junior hunter the chance to shoot an antlerless deer. They were very well spoken and presented their case calmly to the committee.


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